Our Mission and Vision
The mission of Westchester Family Church is to,
Surround our community, families and individuals with the love of God,
- Strengthen the believer through the taught Word of God,
- Speak the Word of God bodily, and
- Spread the goodness of Jesus Christ to a lost world.
- We desire to see the power of the Gospel change lives, to make true disciples throughout all the nations by means of missionary activity and support, to encourage believers, and to do all that is possible and biblically permissible to magnify the name of Jesus.
What We Believe
We Believe…
- In the Inspirational Inerrancy of the Bible. The Bible is a relevant, God-breathed document essential in living a successful, faith-filled life. 2 Timothy 3:16
- In the Trinity. God exists in three persons: God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. Matthew 28:19
- In the Fall and Redemption of Mankind. Mankind needed a Savior; Jesus took our punishment. Romans 3:23
- In the Virgin Birth of Jesus Christ, His vicarious, atoning death, bodily resurrection and ascension. Luke 1:26-35
- In the Grace of God shown through Salvation. Jesus’ mission reveals the saving Grace of God. Luke 1:26-35
- In Eternal Life and the New Birth. Heaven is real; a new life and destiny can be received. Ephesians 2:8-10
- In a Literal Hell and Eternal Retribution. Hell is a real place to be avoided. Hebrews 9:27
- In Water Baptism by Immersion. Identifying with Jesus shows an outward sign of inward change. Matthew 28:19
- In Sanctification. God’s people are set apart to live a changed holy life. 1 Thessalonians 5:23
- In Baptism of the Holy Spirit. The supernatural power of God is available to 21st Century believers. Acts 1:8
- In Gifts of the Holy Spirit. God reveals Himself through miraculous gifts. 1 Corinthians 12:4-11
- In the Celebration of the Lord’s Supper. It is a remembrance of Jesus Christ’s substitutionary sacrifice. Matthew 26:26-30
- In the Church, the Body of Christ-the inhabitation of God through the Spirit, with divine appointments for the fulfillment of the great commission. Ephesians 1:22
- In the Redemptive Work of Jesus Christ. God has provided for every area of man’s existence-spiritual, mental, physical, and financial. Romans 10:9-10
- In Divine Healing. The healing power of God is available to all believers through prayer and faith. Matthew 8:17
- In the Resurrection of the Just and the Return of Jesus Christ. Jesus is coming back. Acts 1:1